Brownie's Travel Diary

Brownie's Travel Diary

segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

At Ana`s house

Brownie was in Ana`s house!!

He had sunglasses...

Brownie took a photo!!

Brownie had a great time!!!

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

At Nina's House

I was at Nina's house these days. It was raining a lot, so she didn't go to school. We played a lot, ate some delicious bread, read some books and...I met a beautiful monkey girl, and now she is my new friend! Thanks, Nina!!! Say hi to my new friend for me!

segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010

At the club

Today Eric went to the club with me. I loved going to the pool and playing in the playground. Later I met some friends. When we came home I played Monopoly with my monkey friends.
We had a good time!

At Eric's house

Today, April 2nd, we decided to stay at home. I played the guitar, talked on the phone, had some chocolate, read a book, used the computer and played the DS. Then I decided to go to bed.