Brownie's Travel Diary

Brownie's Travel Diary

segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010

When in Brasília with a very good friend of mine!

Look!!! Brasília!!!
I loved Brasília! It´s such a beautiful city!
You should go there!
I had a great time with my friend!
She was sooo nice to me!


domingo, 18 de julho de 2010

When in Rome...

I even got a new team to support! GO INTER GO!!!

What a day!

Playing videogames with some new friends is what I call a perfect day!

Rainy days in Porto Alegre

I'm glad my new friends from Porto Alegre know how to keep me busy with all this rain. Learning how to play the guitar was nor easy but I did a pretty good job...


Since I travel a lot, every chance I've got, I chat with some friends and check my e-mails...

terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2010

It's time!

After some time studying, they had to face their PC3 and, of course, everybody did an amazing job!

Helping my new friends a little bit

My first day in Porto Alegre was PC3 day, so my new friends needed some help and I stepped up!


Well, as you can see, I took many things to Porto Alegre...specially clothes. It is cold here, people!

quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Happy days in Goiânia!

Goiânia is a fantastic city.The people are friendly and beautiful. I played video games and ate bananas.